طيبه ماركت - Alexandria, Egypt

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طيبه ماركت
العجمي الاسكندريه, Alexandria, Egypt
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Company description
TIBA MARKET is considered the first Egyptian company that stormed the labor commercial market in this vast amount of skills, experience, and international services in e-marketing and e-commerce. This company has a wide experts network that are not distributed to only few countries but a wide range of countries all over the world .This helps it to enhance its ability and possibility to move and work in a major international sector which increases its power and competitiveness

TIBA MARKET was established in Alexandria in 2008 . it began to offer a lot of the full support to a group of companies and factories providing them with many solutions and advisory services in e-marketing and online advertisement.
TIBA MARKET has become a very important and effective source to build a  
Show more strong and free marketing system for many companies; which ensures fast, profitable, and easy connections with clients by using the most simplest, cheapest, and appropriate mean of advertising.

TIBA MARKET company believes that e-marketing is not only one of the most important means which became one of the most important achievements of this modern era, but also a huge advertising tool and a powerful implement at homes, shops, businesses, and even schools and universities in Egypt, Arab world, European and American countries. So our experts worked hardly using it by combining the quality of advertising and achieving the marketing requiring goals for our clients from various companies. This is achieved by organizing work which based on the proper study, right plan, and the proper implementation of the declared goal . we believe that e-marketing is the most appropriate means for achieving the declared goal and the least cost means among the other various of marketing means such as ( newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations, billboards scattered……Etc. all written, visual, and audio of the media, means ).
We have noted that with this overwhelming flood of huge numbers that increases day by day constantly, that the companies which compete seriously and are interesting in e-marketing considering it an important source for promoting their products are the most spread and profitable all over the world. Because the internet has become ,at this present time, a market , and an international and global arena for sale, purchase, demand, and supply.


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