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Agoza, Giza, Egypt
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11 - 50Company description
May I introduce our agricultural commodity council of egypt(acc)which was established in 1999 as a private entity to develop, activate, organize, and solve problems of all agricultural commodity export business.Acc, for being as a non-governmental organization, represents the umbrella that gathering all the agribusinessmen(producers, exporters, marketers, processors, packers, packagers, handlers and transporters) working in the field of exporting agricultural commodities such as fruits&vegetables, potatoes, onions, garlic, citrus, oil crops, rice, grains, medicinal&aromatic plants, cut flowers, ornamental plants, red meat, poultry, fish&sea food and agricultural machinery. In addition to the scientists and experts who in charge of manufacturing intermediary commodities as well as the
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other agencies that might have a role in the export activity.Acc consists of both public and private sectors in the agricultural field and a technical secertariat representing all ministries and agencies involved in the acc activity to identify, design and implement policy reforms to improve the perfomance of egyptian economy.Our agricultural commodity council, for being an entity combines elite of agri-exporters, has the pleasure to cooperate with your esteemed company looking forward to a mutual cooperation between our both institutions especially for the USA market needs from our referenced products and also welcome you on Egypt land as investor in case of your desire to conduct joint venture with the egyptian side through our council. Best regards. Sherif EL maghraby, president, acc.Listed in categories
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