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Alreqa St, Diera, Dubai, Egypt
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(we moved all our bussines to Dubai, UAE.. With name AL raya group and we will puplish our website soon and will will puplish our company introduction here soon under AL raya group Dubai )We are mariam group global trade& services, we can supply various commercial services such as purchasing, selling, sale agent, buying agency, commercial agent, information consultation, arrange production, quality checking, shipping, etc.If you want to make an investment in Egypt, we can offer commercial agent, information consultation, service for life to you. If you want to purchase the goods in Egypt, we can be as your purchasing agent. If you have goods to need selling in Egypt and the middle east, we can become your sales agent. We believe in sincerely, because this is the foundation that we
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survive.Egypt has the largest population in the middle east, and the third largest population in Africa. It is a whole market in itself. Development projects, tax laws for new industrial areas, free ports and free internet access are only some of the efforts made in Egypt to get ready for the world market a growing variety of Egyptian products is becoming a true alternative! You can get everything, from plastic bottles, over luffa sponges up to software development. Especially famous is also Egyptian marble, granite and don't forget the the agricultural products.Egypt is a rich country. Rich in history, rich in natural beauties, but also rich in business.Egypt can be your supplier right at your doorstep! Due to its geographical location Egypt is the perfect hub to Europe, Africa and the middle east. And Egypt has a whole variety of products to offer: Of course it is not possible, to present all Egyptian products on these pages. Still we decided to give you a slight idea of what there is.Please don't hesitate to send us any other inquiries you might have. We have wide business range, if you need any products and business service, please contact us. We will provide best service and high quality products with very good price.Wish our service can satisfy you and set up long term business relationship with you.Listed in categories
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