AMW GROUP. - Cairo, Egypt
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Mohamed Faried, Cairo, Egypt
Contact number
Establishment year 2001
Employees 11 - 50
Company description
Here below is a brief note about amw group to remind you with our activities.We -amw group- are acting as a buying agent.3 years ago we opened our office in egypt to serve foreign companies which need to implement business in egypt& middle east.Our office today is one of the most stable buying agents in egypt who has the know how, men power& equipments to give a professional buying office services.We -amw group- have today about 10 people in our cairo office out of which 3 are q. C's& 3 are merchandiser. We can perform basic tests in our office like shrinkage, twist, weight, color fastness, e. T. C...We -amw group- have a great relations with all fctys. In egypt which can produce all types of garments(knits, woven, casual, tailored, linen, terry products, e. T. C...As you can u/stand we
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are well aware to customers specific needs as a quality minded house.Our activities are starting from product developments, costing, submit counter samples, photo samples, -if required-, size set, production samples, e. T. C......& perform in line& final inspections based on the american military standards.Our commission rate is 5% paid by our buyers, as our policy is not to get local commissions, as this gives us more power to control& direct our vendors.In our group we have a shipping company called tri-start cargo system, which is fully owned by the group& have correspondence offices all over the world... Most of our customers are using our shipping company, as this is making the whole process easier when handling the business from a(project development) to z(finished goods delivery).We are highly interested to represent your company in egypt& to co-operate at the most professional and efficient way.If the above is to your interests, pls. Let me know what can be the best way to implement it.Listed in categories
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