Company name
115 Manial Street, Cairo, Cairo, P.O. Box: 11451, Egypt
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Employees 5 - 10
Company description
We are an Egyptian professional company, looking forwards to make business deals with yourself in the tourism field.As you know Egypt is one of the richest countries worldwide in the field of tourism, as only the city of luxor in Egypt contains according to statistics third the monuments of the whole world.Egypt is not only the pyramids, and the nile, there is much more to see, and to live.. Safari traveling in the deserts, diving in the red sea to sea the unique corals, and sharm which is well know as the peace city.. Then there is luxor and aswan where the travelers get amazed with the pharaonic old civilization.. Not to mention cairo and the museums and old coptic & islamic places where many visitors would early enjoy it.We are a group of professional people on the business of tourism,  
Show more we have different experiences, in hotel packages, travel buses, marketing, designing, human resources and employment... We are offering you our service.. As we are looking forwards to start a long term business cooperation with your esteemed company in any of the three points:1- we can provide the best selected tour schedules for tourists coming to Egypt, and offers of hotel packages in Egypt.. In all different cities of Egypt to your clients. We can guarantee very good prices of all kinds of hotels (3,4,5 stars), along with travel plans.. Different tours.. With different activities.2- we can as well represent your company here in Egypt, if you are thinking of expanding your company in other countries, we have all the services you will need to open a branch or agency here in Egypt ( experiences human resources personnel, offices, employees, translators, web designers, printing and advertising specialists, tour guides,... Etc).3- we are opened also to other suggestions from your company that you see is better probability to establish a stronger business relation.We are looking forwards to receiving your earliest feedback, as we are looking to start at the soonest to make this multinational chain of companies in many places in the world where we can combine to serve our clients with best service and best prices as well.
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