FARAGALLA - Alexandria, Egypt
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36 Kafr Abdou Street, Roushy, P.O. Box: 21311, Alexandria, Egypt
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Ever since FARAGALLA GROUP was established in 1974, our main goal has been to produce healthy and quality foodstuff products of international standards. Our success in the field of Meat and Bakery production motivated us to expand into other food products such as Frozen Vegetables, Canning for Beef, Vegetables, Ready made Salads, Instant Meals and Salad Dressings. Faragalla also expanded into the field of processed cheese, UHT Milk, fruit and tomato concentrate, natural juices, and soup cubes. As a result of our high quality and competitiveness, the demand for FARAGALLA products has been increasing rapidly throughout Egypt and the world. Most significantly we have applied the most modern technology and the highest industry standards in our production facilities. In recognition of the
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international standards of our production systems, we have received the ISO 9001 quality management certification, and have been awarded numerous awards of excellence such as Quality Seal from the United States Wheat Associates, Europe Golden Award and the African Award. Faragalla also obtained the Environmental Management system, ISO 14001, and received the UNIDO Award as one of Africa's 50 most innovative and successful firms. Our products are now available in most of the markets world wide, and the name FARAGALLA has become an emblem of trust and quality in the world of food products. Our future goal is to make FARAGALLA high quality products available for the pleasure of every home, every family, and in each meal.Listed in categories
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