FORESIGHT - Cairo, Egypt
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Company name
13 Wadi EL Nile, P.O. Box: 12411, Cairo, Egypt
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Establishment year 1998
Employees 11 - 50
Company description
Established in 1998, the Foresight Group was founded by a pool of corporate professional executives from diverse specialized backgrounds with exceptional experience and knowledge of the local FMCG industry and markets, including their different categories, stemming from an impressive and reputable track record with large Multinational corporations such as Nestle and Gillette. Capitalizing on their extensive hands on expertise, human resource and knowledge of the Egyptian FMCG markets, The Foresight Group was launched to become the leading private firm in servicing local companies in the fields of: Management, Marketing and International Commerce. The Foresight Group consists of two subsidiaries; Foresight Consulting and Foresight International. The Foresight Group slogan, A commitment to
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growth, extends to both of its subsidiaries in defining and shaping their visionary objectives which is strategic growth.Foresight Consulting is currently the largest leading private marketing/ management consulting company in Egypt effectively operating in a wide range of diversified markets. Foresight Consulting has ultimately set out a stated vision to elevate all the standards of local manufacturers of goods and services to global levels to be able to efficiently compete locally and globally with large Multinational Corporations and to grow internationally in the era of globalization. Foresight Consultings ultimate pursuit and guarantee is strategic growth of their client companies.Foresight has capitalized on its widespread expertise from Multinational corporations to furthermore develop local brands to grow globally by applying sophisticated international marketing concepts and tools, and exports. By utilizing the economies of scale of its sister company, Foresight Consulting which is the most knowledgeable company about the different sectors of the FMCG markets in Egypt.Foresight has also set out a vision to be the leading private firm to invest in the strategic and continuous steady growth of local Egyptian brands globally and foreign brands locally in the Egyptian market.Foresight Group strengths fundamentally lie upon their marketing expertise in developing strategic marketing plans focused on branding, brand building & management, product innovations, innovative packaging solutions, pricing strategies and especially their power in nation wide distribution with effective access to whole sale, retail and distribution channels. Our Business Partners:-Harvest (Canned Food)-El Bawady (Halawa, Tehina & Molasses)-Rich Bake (Packed Bread)-Al Sakr for Food Industries (Processed Cheese)-Q Standard (Olive Oil, Table Olives & Pickles)-Regina (Pasta)- Pretzels_ Olive Hill.Listed in categories
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