Company name
Sphinx Square, Giza, P.O. Box: 1112, Egypt
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Establishment year 1960
Employees 101 - 500
Company description
Welcome on the earth of history and original Egyptian civilization.El-Fayed group has honor to introduce to you the most marvelous of(itselite) of its rare and marvelous products of its rolls of papyrus where history of Egypt was registered upon it in the ancient age, ancient country, medium country and modern country. All of these rolls have been made in accordance with what was registered in the original rolls, decorations and drawings registered on the walls shining with the most beautiful and marvelous natural colors and with all of its sizes that suit you in order to live with us in the fragrance of great history, history of pharaonic Egypt. Also, we smell fragrance of history through our products of natural perfumes, aromatic oils and essences.We are distinguished that we are the  
Show more first peoples of the ancient world use natural and aromatic oils as comfort of the body, soul and spirit, for creating balance between them and renewing activity of the body, spirit and soul such as rose, jasmine, Arabian jasmine, ambergris, olive oil, colocynth oil, colocynth wood oil, sandals wood, camphor oil and peppermint.And now, you have in details all what you need of the most rare of types of oils and perfumes in the world for El-Fayed group.We have also a group of formations of glass masterpieces, manual industry art for manufacturing the most beautiful and rare glass forms engraved manually, decorated and painted with golden liquid of all sizes and all contemporary models for all pharaonic ages, ancient, medium, modern, contemporary, Nubian, Coptic and Islamic for preserving natural oils and decoration in your kingdom.You have all models and forms in details. Also, we have the biggest formation in the world of pharaonic jewelry that is represented in ornaments specialized for the greatest queens in the world, pharaonic cartouches specialized for the kings and queens and forms inlaid with diamond. There are several glorious stones and half-glorious stones that suit you.Do not let the opportunity leave you in order to live with the kings and queens for the greatest and the most fundamental civilization in the world with El-Fayed group.
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