Company name
Foaad Street, Alexandria, Egypt
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Employees 101 - 500
Company description
Hamatrans for Transportation & Marine ServiciesWe are an Egyptian Company located in Alexandria, Egypt. We are an international company for marine and transportation that could serve your company. We work in the field of transportation and shipping since 1960 and we have branches all over Egyptian ports: -Alexandria, Port said, Suez and Suez freezone. . We provides the ultimate support to customers available almost 24 hours, 7 days a week to meet clients full satisfaction and produce services in efficient and economical way. Our staff is experienced in forwarding and we have a highly trained sales staff specialized in convincing import and export cargoWe have all kinds of the proper modern eguipement such asLaw bed with different measures (wide, length, weight) 12 meters standerd trails,  
Show more telescops. All kinds of Crans (from 20 to 150 tans) For handling and loading on mods on transportation in Egyptian ports. Hamatrans CompanyIs a global logistics service provider, Shine group of companies is in the business of International Freight Forwarding since 1985. More then 315 trained professionals with over fifteen years' experience of the industry-work, having access to very competitive rates, can offer a flexibility of services that our larger competitor cannot provide. We can customize our system to every client's individual and specific needs giving each one a personalized service, our services include Air and Ocean freight forwarding, Customs Clearance, Distribution and other value added global logistics servicesWe can efficiently plan implement and control the following integrated logistic services and related information. . Handling ProjectsBooking and Shipping the over dimension packages such as transformers and heavy equipmentSpecial eguipments available for the transportation of over dimension cargo. Technical support and advise durring the projects. Marine services: We are freight forwarding company and we would like to cooperate with your agency and we grantee this cooperationDon't hesitate to contact us. . We are looking forward to doing business with youGeneral Manager: -Ahmed Ibrahim
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