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18 Syria St., Roushdy, Alexandria., P.O. Box: 21121, Egypt
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Dear Sir, Have a good day. We would like to introduce our company as it is the first time to contact you. We " International Horizon Flax " are the leader exporter of all kinds of Flax and we would like to co-operate with you in this field. We can supply you with the following flax kinds: 1) Scutched Flax (with or without jutes) , we also got 2 grades of scutched flax (A, B) . 2) Flax Arrous (With or without jutes) which is used in the manufacture of paper and spinning factories. 3) Flax Waste (With or without jutes) which is used in the manufacture of paper and spinning factories. 4) Hackled Flax (With jutes) which is considered the early stage in the manufacture of spinning. 5) Flax Dolls which is used in many chemical industries also is used by the plumbers in the sanitary uses, It is
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handmade product from Hackled Flax, in different weight and shape: Hackled Flax in Puppets two heads( 200 or 250 gr. ) Hackled Flax in Puppets four head( 200 or 250 gr. ) Hackled Flax in Jokia( 50-100-200-250-500-1000 gr. ) 6) Machine Tow It is the outcome product from hackling and the most important product in the manufacture of spinning. Also don't miss our special which will end on 30 / 9 / 2007.Listed in categories
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