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Office No. 4-Building No. 144-Sheraton Street-Beside Kfc, P.O. Box: 2065, Hurghada, Egypt
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002-065-3444 310
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5 - 10Company description
Why invest in Egypt? 1. Egypt is apromising emerging marketFor overseas properties. 2. Anticipated growth of 25-30% per annamFor the next 3 years. 3. The Egyptian Government's reforms specificallyDesigned to attract inward investment, No capital gainsOr inheritance tax. 4. 15% instant equity if you buy before 1st July. 5. Sun all the year around. 6. 52 weeks a year rental potention. 7. No other country can offer as much as Egypt. * 7000 years of civilization. * Amazing landscapes. * Beautiful beaches. * Friendly hospitable people. * Un spoilt coral reefs. * Dolphins. 8. Tourism is growing and demand is alwaysGreater than supply. 9. Political and economic stability make EgyptAn exciting country to work and live in. 10. The cost of life here is very cheap, makingIt an excellent place for
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long breaks during theSummer or winter. 11. Egypt is close to Europe and property ownersCan take advantage of cheap and regular flightsFrom most European countries. 12. The time is right to invest in Egypt for maximum returns. 13. In Egypt, properties are sold as free hold. Why invest with us? We are international team of highly skilled and trustworthy professionals who will help you to make the property choice tailored for your individual needs. Our internationally recognized investment experts will give you the best advice for short / long term property investment opportunities as well as guide you in choosing your holiday home. We understand that purchasing abroad is a big step and we will make the purchasing process simple, ensue that it is run smoothly and fully explained. We work together with highly qualified experienced team of professionals such as High Court Lawyers in order to protect you from any fraud or deception. We guarantee that your legal title is protected. We also will help you to get a right immigration status in Egypt. On your request we can provide other services connected to your property management such as development, rent, interior design, etc (Look at our services) . Our main aim is to provide our services with the highest ethical standards with maximum customer re-assurance. With us your place in the sun is guaranteed! For any question please contact usListed in categories
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