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Company name
2 Alharamain St., off Qaumiya, Imbaba, P.O. Box: 12421, Giza, Egypt
Contact number
Mobile phone
0020-2-313 7743
Less than 5Company description
Minetrans INC. Was started in Houston, Tx in 1992 by Mohamed Rahman a geologist who wanted to export minerals and equipments for industries in the middle east from the US, and freight forwarding service to the same destinations.The company did shipments from the US through the years 1992,1993,1994,1995 then from Mexico to the US through 1996,1997,1998,1999, all the way to 2002.The owner had to leave the US to Egypt in 2003 and he is operating the same company name from Egypt, with a special emphasis on ornamental stones and the industrial minerals, the company is just starting activity in Egypt yet having a 10 years experience based in North America.While searching the middle east market for the last two and half years for the reliable manufacturers of marble and granite products, the
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company is now in the export area for the high quality, cost effective products,We do the shipping ourselves so we promise our clients a worldwide timely delivery against the actual cost only.We inspect the cargo- if instructed by the client - by SGS office in the point of origin, so the client gets what he wants guaranteed and documented before it is shipped to it's destination.We handle all sizes of orders from the huge ones all the way to the small purchases, NO MINIMUM ORDER, regardless of the destination.Listed in categories
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