Company name
Industrial Zone, Manshia Gidida, Kabari, Alexandria, Egypt
Contact number
Mobile phone
2-03-36 25184
Establishment year
11 - 50
Company description
We take pleasure in introducing ourselves as an international world wide trade house; our company is a privately owned, established in 1976 by atef naggari. Headquarter and manufacturing facilities are in Egypt, and sales cover major markets worldwide. Specialized in exporting of egyptian agriculture products(commoditiesfinished goods and raw materials) with over 25 years of experience to offer.We have our own factory with machinery to shell and select groundnuts to meet e. E. C quality specifications and health regulations, we have two factories first at kabari, industrial area, Alexandria. Second at tahrir province.Following modern management practices, a team of professional mangers has maintained the company steady growth according to its plan.One of the company biggest assets is its  
Show more employees, carefully selected from the best educational background. Through on-going training programs, provided by the company, they acquire the highest level of knowledge and professional skills. The motivation and dedication of naggari co. Team ensure the basis for our renowned quality services.Naggari co. Has access to storage and handling facilities for its goods through both warehouses and bonded warehouses in Alexandria, port said, Suez and damietta. Shipping is handled using first class logistic procedures, reliable forwarders and shipping companies, all of which ensure the arrival of the goods on time, in the best condition, at the best prices.We select the best production facilities and follow the strictest quality control standards. The presence of our personnel team at the production sites, along the expertise of third party international inspection firms, operating state-of-the-art laboratories and testing facilities, to maintain the utmost quality control of our products to guarantee that all exported goods will meet our customers satisfaction.Our motto competitive price without quality sacrificeIt shall be our pleasure and privilege to cater to your specific needs through us from Egypt.We now look forward to developing a mutually beneficial relation between our companies, as main goal is to maintain a consistency and reliability, long-term relationship with satisfied customers worldwide.
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