POWER REACTION - Ismailia, Egypt
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Company name
Shbeen EL Kom, Ismailia, Egypt
Contact number
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Establishment year 1994
Employees 11 - 50
Company description
The followings are the main activities of our company:Vendor evaluationMerchandisingQuality controlShippingData base building and upgradePublic relation activitiesCommunicationWhy Egypt:A. On December 10,2004, the Bush Administration announced the formation of Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZs) in Egypt, which made import from Egypt is a good option for US importers as products such as apparel and footwear, became dutry free.The agreement has designated seven industrial zones located around Cairo; Alexandria and Suez Canal. The QIZ Program will help Egypt to remain competitive and protect or reclaim their US market share as quotas are eliminated very soon.(even now Egypt can export to USA without quota)B. The EU is Egypt's largest trade partner representing 36% of its total trade. Main EU
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import from Egypt include energy(42%), textiles and apparel (16%), agricultural products (10%) and chemical products (6%). Egypt among all the southern Mediterranean countries are considered to be the backyard of EU, Therefore they will benefit from the "European Neighbourhood Policy". The core of this policy is built on the base of a new framework for the relation between EU and its Eastern and southern neighbours. Egypt is one of these countries. The policy intend to promote stability and prosperity beyond the new borders of the union. It aims to work in partenership to develop a zone of prosperity and friendly neighbourhood a " ring of friends". In return of promoting shared values and political; economic; social and institutional reforms, all the neighbouring countries should be offered a "stake in the EU's internal market". In the maintime, Transportation from and to Europe is easy; cheap; fast and smooth.C. Egypt is in the heart of middleeastern countries and have agreements of free commen market zones with most of the Arab and African countries.D. Egypt has taken important measures in The new Tax law; privatization programes and many other political and social issues to encourage the investment; in the same time Egypt has more suitable laber culture.Our Team:Our synchronised team, work effectivly to get the job done up to the expectations of our clients. Problem solving; connectivity; efficiency and working under pressure are the main attributes of our team.Listed in categories
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