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7, El-bahreen St. Heliopolis-cairo, New Cairo, Egypt
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Establishment year 1992
Employees Above 1000
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Company description
Pyramids international groupLike to introduce Pyramids International Group (Defile Creation) as one of the most famous organizers for international exhibitions and international Group (Defile Creation) as one of the most famous organizers for international exhibitions and conferences in the middle east region. It has been established since 1992, and had organized a series of international exhibitions known as (Defile Creation),39 ninthly three international exhibitions from this series had been organized, at Cairo International fairs & conferences center in Cairo.Those exhibitions had been held on the total area of 15000 m2, the participants are the biggest and largest manufacturers and producers in the field of Garments, ready made clothes, textiles, leather products, lingerie, tricot
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and their necessities from various countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Emirates that in addition to the biggest and largest manufacturers and producers from Egypt.The exhibitions had been visited by more than 40000 visitors during its working days, the visitors were the most important merchandise, traders, businessmen and exporters from various countries according to a special mailing system, which enable the specialists in the field of exhibition to obtain an invitation in their countries at middle east, Gulf area, Africa, and Europe.In addition to that Pyramids International Group had organized many exhibitions in cooperation with a foreign partner such as "Made In Turkey" exhibition in which the Turkish products had been exhibited to the Egyptian market for the first time in November 1999 in International Cairo fair Center.Also, Pyramids International Group in co-operation with the Egyptian ministry of economics and foreign affairs under the aspects of his Excellency minister had organized the Egyptian sector in Izmir International fair, Turkey, round 69 in year 2000, this sector was very special and all the largest daily newspapers, TV channels in Turkey was mentioned to this sector specially to it's paranoiac Decoration and excellent products.Reviews
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