Company name
Garado, Fayoum, Egypt
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Establishment year
Less than 5
Company description
"spice man " is a new specialized medical plants company.It was founded by some active and enthusiast youngmen in fayoum of Egypt, this city is the principal centre of medical plants production in the middle east. So, we deal in all known species of these plants, herbs, spices and seeds. As matter of fact, repeated and run - of - the mill ideas never create success.What makes us unique is a set of factors and advantages difficult to find in another institution, first of all.All of our commodities come from the nile valley well known fertile arable lands. Moreover, these plants grow in our own lands, so all stages of production are supervised accurately " sowing harvesting, preparing, packing ". We also work under the banner " make less profits, but achieve more deals " because we want to  
Show more develop our business with mutual success not just getting money.The urgency in getting decisions and deals finalized is top priority for us, so you will find modern communication styles that respect your time " net, fax, mobile " but the most important is on time replies.It was mentioned before that, the company is run by youngmen, this does not mean that we are beginners in the field. We have achieved deals and bear in mind so many lessons and significances from pre. Experiences embedded with modern and brave ideas in management and trading.Once you begin to deal with us, you will make sure that we are people of the know. As for prices, we don't quote prices haphazard but after studying and examining the market well.With the above mentioned spice man 's exclusive potentials sure you expect a list of our products:" chamomile flower, chamomile powder, spearmint leaves, spearmint crushed, basil, peppermint leaves, peppermint crushed, coriander, dill, marjoram, fennel seed, sunflower seed white, sunflower seed stripped, parsley, ground nuts in shell fresh onion fresh garlic dried, garlic powder, caraway seeds, molokhiah leaves and crushed, cumin, aniseed, henna, fenugreek, clover, hibiscus flower, calendula petal and flower


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