Company name
Cornishe El-nile, Maasara, Helwan, Cairo, P.O. Box: 11743, Egypt
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Employees Above 1000
Company description
The The Egyptian Telephone Company also known as QuickTel, was established in the early sixties originally manufacturing public switches and telephone sets in cooperation with Ericsson of Sweden.Today, more and more, companies look to QuickTel for seamless and reliable telecom equipment and services throughout Egypt, the Middle East and North Africa. At the same time, they have confidence in our experience and expertise in being able to fully manage and maintain their services; around the clock.Throughout Egypt, the QuickTel brand is most commonly recognized for its high quality corded telephone sets regularly distributed to local consumers when ordering new subscriber telephone lines with Telecom Egypt.As the company expands into new markets promoting sound solutions, manufacturing the  
Show more latest telecom equipment and reliable products, it is rapidly becoming the brand of choice for telecom equipment within the region.QuickTel is:A leading Egyptian communications company with strong global alliances.Now working under strategic alliances with 3M, Huawei Technologies, Krone, and others.A provider of a wide array of telecom products and services.Based on sound infrastructure and reliable systems integration, delivering custom telecom network solutions built around a full-range of quality products.Backed by over forty years experience as a major supplier to Telecom Egypt (Egypt's only national fixed telephone operator) before becoming a privately held company in 2000 (From ETC to QuickTel).Rapidly expanding in the export market with offices abroad.Comprised of a professional team of more than 1250 dedicated employees working in key centers throughout Egypt.Ready to provide customers with the infrastructure, telecom and other resources required to leverage the full power of telecommunications; allowing clients to benefit from state-of-the-art communications technology.Excellence in key areas means superior services to all of QuickTel's clients. We can be relied on for everything from telecom equipment, to facilities and hardware. From expertise in building infrastructure, knowledge in delivering solid network solutions and experience in developing a complete telecom solution, QuickTel has breadth of service.With our depth of knowledge of highly sophisticated, state of the art and quality telecom and network equipment, we are a local leader both with leading industry knowledge, as well as expertise in transferring this knowledge base to the broader market through our highly respected, in-house regional training centers.Companies rely on our longstanding telecom expertise for their exclusive business needs. Realizing this, QuickTel strives hard to stay on top of advancing technologies and industry breakthroughs in order to maintain and provide the highest quality products and services. Either way, customers can be certain to benefit from the best possible infrastructure and most reliable equipment in the region.As a local leader in operating with national providers and international alliances, an array of reliable products and services are available to our customers. By working closely with other providers and expanding its capabilities and product lines, QuickTel has been able to increase its services and enter arenas not commonly available by other suppliers within the region.As the company grows to be one of the most effective provider of its kind in the region, it continues to focus on effectively delivering sound telecom solutions that allow customers to do business efficiently in an increasingly connected world. QuickTel is confident it has the people, skills and the technology to create efficient solutions to take customers' telecommunications needs to 'the last mile'.
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