Beiti - Cairo, Egypt
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Listing - +13Years
With Us
Company name
4 Omart el Safa Wel Marawa, Maryortya, Haram, Cairo, Egypt
Mobile phone
Establishment year
2010Company description
We believe that the
[catering] market is in its [growth or maturing] stage and that we are uniquely
positioned to successfully cope with this enlarging needs.
Having duly examined your situation we are confident that our proposed services will
effectively address your needs. Our goal is to provide people with healthy food and it
tastes exactly as if its done in their homes. And to complete this by date 17/8/2010,
Our unique ability to cater and our successful record in cater most of big Events in
AUC (American University In Cairo) (AYB closing ceremony, Glow Festival, SU
presidential campaign and we will cater all the SU events in 2010-2011) makes
us an invaluable partner in the catering Market. Market we look forward to forming a
mutually rewarding relationship with AUC SU
[catering] market is in its [growth or maturing] stage and that we are uniquely
positioned to successfully cope with this enlarging needs.
Having duly examined your situation we are confident that our proposed services will
effectively address your needs. Our goal is to provide people with healthy food and it
tastes exactly as if its done in their homes. And to complete this by date 17/8/2010,
Our unique ability to cater and our successful record in cater most of big Events in
AUC (American University In Cairo) (AYB closing ceremony, Glow Festival, SU
presidential campaign and we will cater all the SU events in 2010-2011) makes
us an invaluable partner in the catering Market. Market we look forward to forming a
mutually rewarding relationship with AUC SU
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