CDIOXIDE - Cairo, Egypt
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Al Qahirah, Cairo, Egypt
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Company description
CDIOXIDE is an Egyptian start-up whose mission is to help the MENA region become more sustainable and economically responsible. We recognize that, due to global warming, the region could become uninhabitable by 2050 if no action is taken. To make a real impact, we need to start with the financial system.
We have developed the Automated Footprint Estimation Machine (AFEM) to help calculate the portfolio/financing emissions of financial institutions. AFEM estimates Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions based on data from over 1,000 companies that have disclosed their emissions in developing and frontier markets. Alternatively, emissions can be calculated using primary physical activity data such as energy consumption and emission factors.
CDIOXIDE is also helping to create a carbon trading
Recently, CDIOXIDE was chosen as a finalist in HSBC's Net Zero Challenge, managed by Responsible Finance and Investment Foundation. CDIOXIDE is the ultimate solution for Carbon Emissions Management; measure, analyze, forecast, report, and act.
We have developed the Automated Footprint Estimation Machine (AFEM) to help calculate the portfolio/financing emissions of financial institutions. AFEM estimates Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions based on data from over 1,000 companies that have disclosed their emissions in developing and frontier markets. Alternatively, emissions can be calculated using primary physical activity data such as energy consumption and emission factors.
CDIOXIDE is also helping to create a carbon trading
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ecosystem by sourcing and managing project registration processes. We will also help project developers certify and sell carbon credits from start to finish, including preparing documentation and developing Monitoring and Verification Plans. To ensure credibility, we will validate and verify emission reductions with independent third parties.Recently, CDIOXIDE was chosen as a finalist in HSBC's Net Zero Challenge, managed by Responsible Finance and Investment Foundation. CDIOXIDE is the ultimate solution for Carbon Emissions Management; measure, analyze, forecast, report, and act.
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