Aprenda Learning - Cairo, Egypt
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Aprenda Learning
Al Qahirah, Cairo, Egypt
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1-10Company description
At Aprenda Learning, we are tackling the same issue that English Language Teachers face all over the world and in classrooms in MENA: how to make sure each student's learning and assessment needs are met with the available resources? The answer is simple: our AI platform.
Our platform uses natural language processing, top-notch teaching methodologies, and globally-recognized linguistic frameworks to create unique English Language Teaching (ELT) content that educators can use right away to enhance educational results.
Aprenda can be used to generate content for any learning setting or environment, including face-to-face, remote, and blended, either in place of or in conjunction with existing resources. It also helps teachers assess student performance and get insight into their
Our platform is designed to work with education platforms, virtual classrooms, and traditional, on-site teaching. Join us and help us revolutionize the education publishing industry!
Our platform uses natural language processing, top-notch teaching methodologies, and globally-recognized linguistic frameworks to create unique English Language Teaching (ELT) content that educators can use right away to enhance educational results.
Aprenda can be used to generate content for any learning setting or environment, including face-to-face, remote, and blended, either in place of or in conjunction with existing resources. It also helps teachers assess student performance and get insight into their
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learning with little effort.Our platform is designed to work with education platforms, virtual classrooms, and traditional, on-site teaching. Join us and help us revolutionize the education publishing industry!
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