Majecules - Cairo, Egypt
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Al Qahirah, Cairo, Egypt
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Company description
Majecules is a cutting-edge start-up in the field of computational molecular biosciences that specializes in Drug Discovery and Bioinformatics. We provide both individual and institutional clients in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic fields with contract research services in Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD), Genomic data science, computational chemistry and their related fields. Our team of researchers and our extensive interdisciplinary network of partners work together to reduce the cost, time and effort of turning research into patents, prototypes and products. Additionally, Majecules will soon launch the first research incubator program in the MENA region, connecting young researchers to suitable academic PIs (principle investigator) and encouraging collaborative
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research. We also develop user-friendly software solutions to complement existing open-source software used in the research field. Finally, our educational courseware provides interactive, personalized and research-based education and we offer a variety of training courses and practical workshops to promote awareness and education in Egypt and the MENA region.Listed in categories
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