Finish - Cairo, Egypt
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Al Qahirah, Cairo, Egypt
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Company description
Finish is a revolutionary home and commercial renovation and finishing service designed to make the entire process hassle-free. Our platform combines experienced technicians, well-known suppliers, competitive prices, and full supervision on the executed work, so that customers can get the quality they expect. On top of that, Finish also offers advanced and easy-to-use 2D/3D home design tools that allow customers to see their dream home before implementation and know the cost in minutes, using VR and AR technology. We are also introducing Intelligent AUTO Furnishing; our technology will automatically render 2D blueprints into fully furnished 3D designs, with just a single click. Customers can also use their mobile camera to instantly digitize their floor plans and then automatically render
We are targeting a Total Addressable Market (TAM) of around 4 million half or non-finished unit A-B class home and commercial (Restaurants, cafés, polyclinics, offices) owners, with our main market segments being newlyweds, elder movers, and those who want to upgrade their lifetime apartment. Our revenue comes from a percentage of every project (10% cost plus), and our traction in the last 6 months includes 40K web traffic and 300
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it into 3D, choosing all the materials needed to build their home, such as painting, wallpapers, plumbing, electricity, ceiling, etc. from our marketplace. This helps customers get a detailed quote from A to Z.We are targeting a Total Addressable Market (TAM) of around 4 million half or non-finished unit A-B class home and commercial (Restaurants, cafés, polyclinics, offices) owners, with our main market segments being newlyweds, elder movers, and those who want to upgrade their lifetime apartment. Our revenue comes from a percentage of every project (10% cost plus), and our traction in the last 6 months includes 40K web traffic and 300
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