BotCommander - Cairo, Egypt
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Al Qahirah, Cairo, Egypt
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Company description
BotCommander is a unique solution that helps e-commerce businesses increase audience retention, drive sales, and make outstanding brand exposure. Using chatbots and AI, it requires no coding knowledge and can be set up in just three clicks. The problem it solves is the high cost and difficulty e-commerce businesses face when handling the large volume of unorganized customer requests they receive through their Facebook page. BotCommander offers an automated solution that reduces the cost up to 80%, and is a state of the art solution to an immense pain felt in the industry.
The team behind BotCommander consists of highly talented and fast learning individuals with expertise in the e-commerce industry, technical knowledge, marketing know-how, and sales experience. Together, they have
The team behind BotCommander consists of highly talented and fast learning individuals with expertise in the e-commerce industry, technical knowledge, marketing know-how, and sales experience. Together, they have
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created a business in an industry they understand with tremendous potential and proven success. For these reasons, BotCommander should be chosen to pitch at the EBN Congress.Listed in categories
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