Salfny - Cairo, Egypt
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Al Qahirah, Cairo, Egypt
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1-10Company description is the ultimate rental marketplace for peer-to-peer sharing. Whether you are a private or professional user, you can rent or lend any of your possessions that you don't use often. You don't need to buy something for a single-time need - Salfny provides an easy solution to rent whatever you need near your area. Need a roof box for a weekend, a sound system for an event or a gardening tool? Just open and enter what you want and where you want to get it. We all have items such as bikes, skateboards, cameras, party furniture, mowers, barbecues, scooters, textbooks, sports equipment, ladders, musical instruments, and electronics. Most of us just let them sit and collect dust, but why not rent them out and make money from them? With Salfny, you can now make money from your
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belongings and save money on the things you need or want. Our goal is to encourage peer-to-peer renting instead of buying as a sustainable and community-driven way of consuming, helping to reduce the use of resources. Plus, there is a social aspect to it because sharing with unfamiliar people online can help us form meaningful relationships.Listed in categories
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